1. 100% Chitsva chitsva uye chemhando yepamusoro.
2. Kushandisa 60cm USB 3.0 cable se extender cable, premium quality uye super speed.
3. Ne 4x yakasimba capacitors, zvichiita kuti magetsi emagetsi awedzere kugadzikana uye akachengeteka.
4. NeSATA 15pin Male to 6pin power cable, ine simba rakawanda, uye kuderedza mutoro wemotherboard.
5. Gold plated contacts for better connectivity and long life.
6. Inoenderana ne1x, 4x, 8x, 16x PCI-E slot yemotherboard.
7. Neparutivi clip yekusimbisa imwe kadhi.
8. Plug uye tamba, Hapana mutyairi anodiwa.
9. Chiratidzo che LED: chiratidzo chesimba uye chiratidzo chebasa.